by Tony Bradman
illustrated by Michael Broad
Luke is desperate to meet his heroes when he discovers that the England football team are secretly training at his local ground! But how is he supposed to do that when he has to go to school all day? He has to come up with a plan, and quick, if he ever has a chance of making his dream come true.
Information for Grown-Ups: This book has a dyslexia-friendly layout, typeface and paperstock so that even more readers can enjoy it. This book is part of the Little Gems range, fully-illustrated first chapter books designed to support reading speed and stamina. Find out more.
AR Level – 4
(What is an AR level?)
(Accelerated Reader is a computer programme used in some schools for monitoring and managing children’s independent reading practice.
We send all our books to be levelled so any schools using the programme can incorporate our books into their reading scheme.
The AR level of a book does not relate to or impact its Reading Age (RA) or Interest Age (IA).)